Todd barefoot on the travertines | Photo by Lauren Girardin In the middle of the Sahara Desert, Todd and I got advice for our travels to Turkey, a place that at the moment seemed as far away as the stars…
Tourists gather to photograph the sunrise on Mount Nemrut | Photo by Lauren Girardin You make certain trade-offs when you go on an organized tour, such as the one that Todd and I took to the hard-to-reach Mount Nemrut and…
Archway at Heiropolis | Photo by Lauren Girardin Where we ate: Edjer Restaurant, Selcuk – They had vegetables. I’m not talking tomatoes and cucumbers – real vegetables like pickled beets and sea beans and…well, ok, they’re not the most desirable…
Our experiences in Central Turkey were limited by the tour we took, which covered a lot of ancient sites while neglecting some of the finer things in life – like a good meal. Here’s what was memorable.
Mount Nemrut, Turkey | Art by Todd Berman Todd and I barely made it onto the tour to Mount Nemrut in central Turkey. As it was, we decided too late to leave with the van of other tourists, and so…
Together in Cappadocia | Photo by Lauren Girardin “You’re still here?” The question drifts out to us from a dim storefront as Todd and I walk around Göreme in search of dinner. Göreme’s a small town so it’s not hard…
Where we ate: All places are in Göreme, unless otherwise noted.
Blue Mosque Under Spirograph Skies, Istanbul, Turkey | Art by Todd Berman I think we’ve been traveling too long. Todd and I have gotten too used it being just us two. It’s our last morning at our hostel in Istanbul…
Prayer at the Blue Mosque, Istanbul | Photo by Lauren Girardin Todd and I were worried because our first days in Turkey would coincide with the last days of the Muslim holy month, Ramazan (also called Ramadan). We’ve been warned…
Our friend “Stinky” is an epidemiologist whose work has taken him all over the world. When he chose Cappadocia, Turkey for the subject of the drawing he commissioned, I knew that it must be a truly wonderful place. I hope…