“Ring of fire: How to chase a solar eclipse” on Indie Travel Podcast
Todd and I got a little nerdy recently. Okay, hella nerdy.
We drove to Northern California to chase the recent solar eclipse with our good friends Mike and Joe. Nerd factor aside, the eclipse was an amazing experience I can’t wait to repeat.
The learning curve for eclipse chasing wasn’t too steep (and Joe, with his National Weather Service smarts, was a faboo teacher), but it was still an event for which we needed to prepare.
I share all that I now know about eclipse chasing in my guest blog post on Indie Travel Podcast. Learn where and when to travel, and how to locate a clear sky and make sure the eclipse isn’t the last thing you see.
In the post, for the latter I recommend:
…at the least, pick up a pair of entirely unfashionable but handy eclipse glasses or use welder’s glass #14 — leave the pinhole projectors for the kiddies. Once a total eclipse has entered the totality phase, you can safely view it with your unshielded eyes — but don’t try that with an annular eclipse unless you want an Eye of Sauron burned onto your retinas.
Buy solar eclipse glasses sooner rather than later so you can watch the planet Venus cross in front of the sun on June 5 or 6, 2012. It’s the last time the transit of Venus will happen in our lifetimes.
Even if you’re not a nerd, don’t miss it.
>> Read “Ring of fire: How to chase a solar eclipse” on Indie Travel Podcast
Where will you be for the transit of Venus? Do you plan on eclipse chasing?