A riot of tiny color – Ollantaytambo, Peru photo essay
It would have been easy to cobble together a salad from the edibles that we brush by while exploring the Incan ruins of Ollantaytambo in Peru’s Sacred Valley.
Lush from the late seasonal rains, there are pea-sized Peruvian bush tomatoes, more seed than flesh; cactus fruit, what little the birds have left unpecked; agave, its spindly, tall masts flowering in a last hurrah; and wild greens and herbs, stinking up the place oh so nicely.

Looking up at cactus fruit

Tiny Peruvian bush tomato

Inflorescence of agaves
Succulents and air plants cling to the ruin walls, twisted forms adapted for exposure to wind and sun.

Strange red succulent spheres

Air plants on ruin walls
Throughout the Ollyantaytambo ruins, we’re knee-deep in wild flowers smaller than a non-Peruvian kernel of corn and more brightly colored than the cheaply-dyed textiles sold in town to tourists.

Purple flower bunches

Purple flowers blooming

Lone blue flower

Yellow poppy

Yellow flowers grow on the Ollantaytambo hill
The plants are so distracting that it takes some effort to remember to look up at the ruins we’re walking by.

In front of the distant mountain ruins
Cactus pear was my favourite part of Colca Canyon.
They’re tasty and easy to forage, if you’re careful about the prickers!
Hi Lauren,
Fantastic photos. I know what you mean — that sometimes the flowers or other distinct details distract you from your chosen destination. You have captured them beautifully! Nice job.
Thanks Josie — as a short woman with a fear of heights, I don’t look up often enough, that’s certain!