The Incan slide at Sacsayhuamán, or Why your tour group and guidebook suck
Having poked around Sacsayhuamán, Todd and I head for a bouldery hill just across the site’s broad, grassy field. It looks like a sweet spot to relax and take in the whole of the extensive Incan ruins and the views of Cusco far below.
Nearing the hill’s top, we hear the type of screaming laughter that forms the vocal track at any amusement park. Curiosity pulls us to the far side of the hill, where we find a giggly family of Peruvians scrambling up toward us. This hillside here is steep and ridged, looking like ocean waves turned to stone mid-crash. The Peruvians reach the top, quickly sit down, lift their hands—
—and down they go. Fast.
I want.

A Peruvian prepares to tackle the Sacsayhuamán slide
I love to slide. Whether it’s the hidden slides on San Francisco’s hills or the bloody slides on the tubing river at Vang Vieng, Laos, I can’t resist a fast descent on my butt.
Slides are the perfect adventure travel activity for folks who, like myself, battle a fear of heights. On a slide, I know that I’m not falling uncontrollably into a void, I can feel a solid surface beneath me, and if I apply more friction I can slow my descent.
Well, usually slow my descent.

The Sacsayhuamán slides
None of the guidebooks — like the Moon Peru and Lonely Planet Peru we travel with — include the slides, or the tunnels we later discover, in their entries on Sacsayhuamán (I later check Fodor’s and Rough Guide: zilch). Most take up precious space to mention the lame tour guide joke about the pronunciation of Sacsayhuamán sounding like “sexy human,” but can’t bother mentioning my new favorite thing in Peru.
Somehow even more bothersome, during the time we linger near the slides — watching other people mentally tussle up their bravery — no tour groups, large or intimate, make the stop. And, while just over the hill, hundreds of people explore Sacsayhuamán, only a couple dozen find the slides on their own.

I get ready to slide at Sacsayhuamán near Cusco
“Are you going to do it?” I ask Todd.
He looks up at the very, very tall slide. He kicks the pile of potato-sized pointy rocks at the foot of the slide. He looks back a woman who has just slid down, limping a little bit as she walks away.
“Uh, no.”
“I’m doing it.”
“Of course you are,” he calmly says, visions of my slide-caused bloody lip on his mind (or more likely my endless retelling of that story since).

Already at warp speed
I didn’t expect the slide to be so, well, slippery. Thousands if not millions of butts have worn and polished deep channels in the rock over hundreds of years. No cardboard sham, no lubricating waterworks, no push is necessary. It’s really as simple as sitting on the slope and lifting my hands.
I scream and laugh the whole way down.

All fun slides must come to an end
Have you found something awesome in your travels that wasn’t in your guidebook? What was it and how did you find it?
Wow! That’s fun! Thanks for sharing! Added to my to do list. Just somehow need to find it when travel to Peru next year :)
Just put your back to the main section of the ruins, which you can’t miss. Walk across the field to the hill. Go up and over. Follow the screaming laughter!
This looks like soooooooo much fun!!! I’m a sucker for slides too – and am equally appalled that this isn’t on the must see sites list for Peru…haha.
We should do a San Francisco slide tour together! I know of at least three.
Ha! I love this post, because back in the days when I was just another Peru tourist (before I worked with the wonderful company I do now… plug plug…) I remember taking a group tour to Sacsayhuamán and specifically asking the guide to take us to the slides (the group tour was just me, my parents, and one other couple!) and the guide refused! I was so upset – that was my first and last time taking a “group” tour. Luckily I head back to Cuzco and the Sacred Valley in October, so I hope to get another chance!
Oh that suuuuuucks. I hope you didn’t tip the guide well, that’s just rude. And I’ve been loving SA Luxury Expeditions social media. As a social media consultant, may I say: you are doing the content curation part of it well!
Thanks! I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve been online stalking your Peru posts and pics as well! Are you guys still in Peru?
Unfortunately we returned to the States about two months ago. We just enjoyed so much about Peru that we have tons to share. We’re already thinking about a return to South America though!
Ha! Yay! Please come back and let us know if you found and conquered the secret slide of Sacsayhuaman.
Thanks for the idea
My wife and i found this on our trip last week – the most fun was watching some of the other tourists staring at us – then cautiously walking up the hill to try it themselves
Awesome, Jason, awesome!
Awesome! We went a couple years ago and totally missed this. I have something new to look for when we make it back there.
Thanks for sharing!
You get to go back? Well, aren’t you lucky Dan!
I went there TODAY before I knew about this. Gutted I missed it!
Oh no! I’m sorry you missed it. The good news is there are a lot of hidden slides in the world, so keep on the lookout as you travel. If you ever visit to San Francisco, let me know and I’ll tell you where to find our hidden slides!
Where were the tunnels you mentioned there? Worth seeing?