Incan temple ruins – Ollantaytambo, Peru photo essay
“Mama!” the guard says. We follow his pointing finger to see a plump yellow bird sunning herself on a rock wall. Smiling and nodding, we look back to the guard, whose main job seems to be to keep tourists from falling off the side of Cerro Bandolista, the Incan temple hill in Ollantaytambo, Peru.

Steep stairs at the ruins of Ollantaytambo
He points again at the bird, repeating, “Mama.” Then, turning away from us, he points further up the hill. “Papa. Bambinos.”
“Gracias!” we say and the guard struts away looking pleased and proud to have shown us something unique. That is a man who loves where he works.

Incan ruins from afar
For good reason, too. Ollantaytambo’s ruins are mega. Mega impressive, rivaling Machu Picchu in the picturesque department. Mega sized, tall wild-flower covered terraces looking like staircases for gods or giants. And mega mysterious, filled with unfinished temple structures of unknown purpose, abandoned quickly and eroding slowly.

Three worn carvings at Ollantaytambo ruins

Rock, wall, grass

Incan wall with lichen at Ollantaytambo ruins
This is a large panorama. For the full effect, click on the image to see the full-sized version in a new window.
Oh yes, and here’s the bird.

Yellow bird at the Ollantaytambo ruins