Skulls, sand, and Garuda – Art from Cambodia
I knew that I would find inspiration for artwork in the temples of Angkor, and I was not disappointed. Fantastic jungle trees twist around intricately carved ancient temples, slowly crushing them. Lauren and I spent three days biking around the archaeological park, and then I went back for one more day just to draw.
Angkor wasn’t the only place in Cambodia that got me wagging my markers. Scroll down to see drawings from a relaxing (if odd) stay on Otres Beach, and from Phnom Penh and the nearby sites of the Killing Fields and S-21, where so much tragedy occurred.

From the Killing Fields, Cambodia (2005), based on a photo by Joshua Berman, included in his his blog post about the Killing Fields
$15, marker and pencil on paper, 5″ x 7″
Want to buy one of the drawings from Cambodia? Awesome! Send an email to me at
with the title(s) of what you want and your mailing address. I’ll reply with payment instructions.
Price and availability is noted in each caption; price includes shipping. First come, first served.
You’ll notice that several images are already marked “sold.” Well, some people looked at my travel drawings before they appeared in this post. Get the jump on everyone else – click here to see all the for-sale drawings from our trip.