Voting from the global road
Patriotism for sale as neckties | Photo by Lauren Girardin “Will you vote absentee? How does that work?” asked Jennie, five months pregnant, sprawled on her couch in the South Philly row house she shares with her husband Amos. I…
Chi-town’s abundant meat tubes
Wrigley, Cubs 3, San Francisco Giants 1 | Art by Todd Berman Much love from Chi-town, home of abundant meat-tubes, be they bratwurst, hot dogs, or polish sausages – they are served with love.
PhaNam cheesesteak fusion in Philadelphia
Philly Fusion | Photo by Lauren Girardin There is a genius at work on the border of Philadelphia’s Chinatown and Old City. I wish I’d been hungry enough to eat at Cafe 900 where the signature sandwich of Philly has…