Cusco’s offally interesting Mercado Central
· by Lauren · in Peru, Travel Stories
Though I’ve explored the aisles of markets all over the world, the meaty bits on display at the Mercado Central (Central Market) in Cusco, Peru challenge even my steady stomach.

Cebollas y choclo at the Pisac Sunday Market
· by Lauren · in Peru, Photo Essays, Travel Stories
Some people like to window shop on chic urban streets, imagining themselves rocking an outfit worn by a headless anorexic mannequin. Me, I prefer to un-window shop (hush, you try to figure out an antonym of “window”) out in the…

Eating on the cheap at the Pisac Sunday Market
· by Lauren · in Food, Peru, Travel Stories
I can’t recall how we got the notion in our heads, but Peru is not a bargain travel destination. After a few too many expensive and yet disappointing restaurant meals, Todd and I are thrilled by the food stalls at…