Fresh and freaky pork | Photo by Lauren Girardin Whether you’re an Axe-saturated teen on a date or a developing Northern Cambodian river town, first impressions matter. Seeing that Todd and I have arrived in Kratie, Cambodia after several days…
Floating Through the Market of Cai Rang | Art by Todd Berman The Mekong is drowning. Dam, our guide from Sinhbalo Adventure Travels tells us that in 50 years, most of the land around the Mekong – as well as…
Our experiences in Central Turkey were limited by the tour we took, which covered a lot of ancient sites while neglecting some of the finer things in life – like a good meal. Here’s what was memorable.
Sahara sunset | Photo by Lauren Girardin Sometimes your love for a place comes on as hard and fast as food-poisoning. Other times, a place is forgettably bland, bringing on neither bitter aversion or the sweet desire to return. Then…
Humping through the Sahara, Morocco | Art by Todd Berman Riding a camel through the parched Sahara dunes is like riding a mechanical bull that has a banana seat, though a bull that moves in slow motion. Your one-humped ride…
This way to the Sahara| Photo by Lauren Girardin It’s 7 a.m in Marrakesh and Todd and I have just been sold from one tour agency to another, like so many camels.