Recipe for making Peru’s adobo arequipeño at home
Adobo arequipeño, also known as adobo de chanco, is a traditional dish from Arequipa, Peru. Cooked overnight, adobo arequipeño is a popular hangover cure and Sunday brunch dish at Arequipa’s local picanterías, or “spicy shops.” Though eating adobo arequipeño on…

Pisco sours: Drinking and making a tasty little bird
Just as ouzo has never tasted as good as it did is Greece, pisco sours have never tasted as good as they do in Peru. Chilly pisco sours kept the sweat at bay in Lima and exacerbated our altitude sickness…

Peruvian meals of plenty at Hotel Sol y Luna and Wayra
During our stay at Hotel Sol y Luna in Peru’s Sacred Valley, we head over to its sister facility, Wayra, for dinner. We’re warmed outside and in by the fireplace adjacent to our table and our bottle of cabernet sauvignon…

Creamy, sticky, and raw: Food porn from Lima
When I suggest to Todd that if we grow multiple stomachs, like a ruminant, we could store some of Lima’s food for later digestion and enjoyment, I know we need to leave town. That or change our blog name to…