The post-apocalyptic streets of Casablanca
Mosquee Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco | Art by Todd Berman All advice said “Get out of Casa as soon as you get in.” It wasn’t that bad, but it didn’t offer much beyond decaying Colonial and art deco architecture and…
Traveling lightweight with the Eee PC
Toshiba compared to Eee PC | Photo by Lauren Girardin There’s a scene in the movie Prefontaine where Bill Bowerman, the coach of the eponymous running superstar, explains the logic behind his design for a new sneaker that is as…
Chi-town’s abundant meat tubes
Wrigley, Cubs 3, San Francisco Giants 1 | Art by Todd Berman Much love from Chi-town, home of abundant meat-tubes, be they bratwurst, hot dogs, or polish sausages – they are served with love.
Chicago, Illinois travel tips
What we saw: Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field – The ticket resellers are ruining the game, we got lucky and scored $20 tickets: YEH Wicker Park neighborhood – Has jumped the shark: NAH Andersonville neighborhood – Seems very gay…
Philadelphia, PA travel tips
What we saw: Bolt Bus – All NewYawkers, get thee cheaply to Philly: YEH